Niagara Falls is frozen........and so is every other body of water along
the east coast. Lakes, ponds and even some rivers. The Hudson River
has solid slabs of ice floating on its surface requiring a tug boat to go out
ahead of the Staten Island Ferry, parting the ice chunks so the ferry can make
it across the river from Manhattan to Staten Island.
The death toll from this bitter winter stands at 20.
As the snow melts, what lies below is black ice making the roads
even that much more perilous.
Although we wish we could turn over and stay in-doors, daily
life seems to go on. Commuters rushing to and from work,
getting children off to school and the usual daily
Winter's wrath has taken its toll..........and we're weary from it all.
Put the cell phones away and truly be alert on the roads for
your safety and the safety of those around you. Be
hyper vigilant on the road, it's almost too easy to
find yourself in an ice skid. Take the extra time to
drive a little slower than usual.
If you're in the Harford, Cecil or York County area
and find yourself having car trouble or skid off the road
we offer 24/7 emergency road service.
George's Custom Towing
Whiteford, MD