George's Customs Towing

Showing posts with label pennsylvania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pennsylvania. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sleep Deprivation

The recent accident involving actor, Tracy Morgan's vehicle 
is shining a light on the topic of sleep deprivation across the nation.

Sleep deprivation or fatigue is equal to a .08 alcohol level.  
From 2009 - 2012, there's been an increase in fatal crashes involving large trucks.

The only way to protect yourself is to be overly aware while on the road and
learning a few defensive driving tactics to keep you safe.

 Some things to be on the lookout for:
  • Turning with a wide radius.
  • Straddling the center of the road or lane marker
  • Almost striking an object or other vehicle.
  • Weaving or zigzagging across the road.
  • Driving on other than a designated roadway.
  • Swerving or abruptly turning away from a generally straight course.
  • Turning abruptly or illegally.
  • Driving slower than 10 mph below speed limit.
  • Stopping without cause in a traffic lane.
  • Stopping inappropriately (other than in lane).
  • Drifting or moving in a straight-line at a slight angle to the roadway.
  • Erratic braking.
  • Driving into opposing or crossing traffic.
  • Signaling that is inconsistent with driving actions.
  • Slow response to traffic signals (sudden stop, delayed start). 

George's Custom Towing is on call with:
Harford County Sheriff's Department
Pennsylvania State Police
Bel Air Township

Keep your family safe while traveling this summer.